Well, I know i know its been a long time since I've updated. What can I say, I have been living the life. I finally Got a Job!!! woot woot. Full time, Evenings. Its in a call center though, boo but we're getting trained now and that is pretty chill.
Well, Here is my story of the night that made me laugh. At my job, there is this guy who is Just plain HILARIOUS! anyways, there is a girl who they have Nick named a Pokemon name... and He was all, SPEAKING OF POKEMON, I FOUND ONE! we were in the middle of training and he was like, Every one Come around and sit and i will tell you the story.
So 5 of the twenty kids slid in to here this magnificent story...He really really built it up and was one day i was walking in the woods...blah blah blah and then for some reason he picked up this piece of wood. And under neath it was a bee this huge. Okay so he held his hands apart 6 inches.
A class discussion beings. "That is unbelievable."
"I Know right?"
"No really... I dont believe it..."
"I'm not lying"
someone else "Maybe it was a bird"
"NO it was not a bird, It was a pokemon."
"What did it look like"
"It had stripes..and wings and walked like this" kid acts out walking...
"DID you touch it?"
"NO I saw it an ran away!"
"I bet you Screamed"
"I did...but i Screamed a Man Scream"
We all laugh....he's not really very masculine...I question what team he hits for...then "Its still unbelievable."
Funny thing is our trainer is sitting up in the front of class just watching this discussion....with a look on her face like...What the... It was great
The rantings of a class at 11:00 at night where everyone is either half asleep, or hyped up on as much caffeine as possible (i swear we need to get IVs of it) are Just amazing! One thing i love about this new job. I'm making friends, Making money, and staying busy. SO there is my story of the day. :D